District of North Vancouver
Council Chambers, Municipal Hall
North Vancouver, B.C.
Products Used:
Consulting Services:
The consulting services provided were a lighting review and a redesign of the lighting layout to provide better illumination of the space and councillors. The final commissioning and programming of the touchscreen interface were also provided by Quantum Lighting.
Lighting Upgrade:
The lighting in the Council Chambers was upgraded from primarily MR16 halogen lamps to LED luminaires in December 2019. The old lighting suffered from poor uniformity and was reflected in the video quality of the council meeting recordings. The new lighting provided much higher uniformity as well as an increase in the vertical illuminance which was evident in the video recordings. In addition, the outdated Dilor controls were replaced with a modern touchscreen panel with 10 different programmed scenes to accommodate the various functions of the space.
Past video recordings for the council meetings can be accessed from the District of North Vancouver website at: