Abbotsford Recreation Centre
Abbotsford, B.C.
Products Used:
Community Centre:
Gymnasiums & Ice Rinks:
Consulting Services:
The consulting services provided were a lighting review of the community center which included the parkade, gymnasiums, and a redesign of the lighting layout for the ice rinks. The lighting levels and uniformity were significantly improved for both the gymnasiums and the ice rinks to meet the performance standard of a Class III facility as defined by the IES. The final commissioning and programming of the nLight touchscreen interface and Echoflex wireless controls were also provided by Quantum Lighting.
Lighting Upgrade:
The original lighting comprised mostly of T8 fluorescent and metal halide technology which was converted to LED technology. The old lighting suffered from poor uniformity and insufficient illumination levels, which was most evident in the gymnasiums and ice rinks. Modernized controls (both wired and wireless type) were also installed and commissioned.